Dr. Aditi Verma and Dr. Dhaval Shah may recommend a root canal if your tooth is infected or has sustained other damage. Root canal therapy, also known as endodontic treatment, is designed to save teeth from extraction, allowing you to avoid the need for a tooth replacement procedure and restoring your oral health and function.

Root canal treatment becomes necessary when the pulp, the soft tissue within the tooth containing nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue, becomes inflamed or infected. This can result from deep decay, repeated dental procedures on the tooth or a crack or chip in the tooth. If not treated promptly, an infected tooth can cause intense pain and may eventually begin to die, making an extraction necessary.

When you receive a root canal, our dentists will remove the affected pulp and carefully clean and disinfect the inside of the tooth. The tooth is then filled with medicated material and sealed to prevent re-infection from occurring. Finally, our dentists will cap the tooth with a crown to restore its strength and function and help protect it from additional damage.

Root canal therapy has a high success rate and can last a lifetime with proper care. Following your treatment, it is essential to practice good oral hygiene, including brushing, flossing and regular checkups, to prevent further issues. Our dentists and team will also provide you with detailed post-op instructions to help you recover and maximize the benefits of your procedure.

Many people experience some level of stress and anxiety at the thought of undergoing a root canal, largely due to their reputation as a painful procedure. However, the truth is that root canals can be performed with a minimum of discomfort thanks to advances in modern dental techniques and technologies. Our team takes your comfort very seriously; we will work closely with you to ensure that your procedure is as comfortable and efficient as possible and that you can a calm and supportive environment throughout your time with us.

Please call Prospect Park Family Dentistry at 610-583-5052 today to schedule your appointment with our experienced dentists and learn more about root canal therapy in Prospect Park, Pennsylvania. We are committed to restoring and enhancing the health of your smile.